プロジェクト_残丘 セッション#06: 尾家康介「〈移民大国〉JAPAN──知られざる人権問題と移民たちの現在」

Kousuke Oie, Japan as a Land of Immigrants: Hidden Human Rights Violations and Today's Foreign Residents

プロジェクト_残丘(Zankyū)セッション #06:


Project Monadnock: Session #06
Japan as a Land of Immigrants: Today’s Foreign Residents and Hidden Human Rights Violations and
Kousuke Oie / Attorney, Hiroo Park Law Firm




言語〉日本語 (逐次訳)

Date & Time: July 14 (Sat), 2018. 5:30-7:30pm
Venue: Takashi Arai Studio, Yokohama
Language: Japanese
Admission: 1,000JPY / Free for under-20-year-olds and foreign residents in Japan
Seats: 25 / Reservation required 

尾家 康介(おいえ こうすけ)弁護士/広尾パーク法律事務所
一橋大学法学部(在学中にHEC Parisに交換留学)、一橋大学法科大学院を経て、2010年12月弁護士登録。大木法律事務所(横浜市)にて東証一部上場企業を含む会社法務、一般民事事件、刑事事件等幅広い分野での経験を積む傍ら、子どもや外国人の権利擁護を中心とした公益活動に参加。2015年5月、弁護士法人東京パブリック法律事務所外国人・国際部門に加入。多様な渉外事件の経験を経て、2017年6月、広尾パーク法律事務所に参画。使用言語は日本語、英語、フランス語。
著書に『少年事件ビギナーズ ver.2』(共著、2018年、現代人文社)、『外国人技能実習生法的支援マニュアル』(共著、2018年、明石書店)があるほか各誌に執筆多数。

Kosuke Oie / Attorney, Hiroo Park Law Firm
Kosuke graduated from Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo with a Bachelor of Law. He was an exchange student from the university to the Grande École of HEC Paris, France, for one school year. He then attended Hitotsubashi University Law School. In December of 2010, he became a registered attorney and began working at Oki Law Office in Yokohama, Kanagawa. There, he worked on a wide variety of cases and gained significant range of experience with corporate law, civil law, criminal law, and public interest law (involving providing legal assistance to and advocating for children and foreign nationals, in particular.) In May of 2015, he began working for Tokyo Public Law Office, Foreign Nationals and International Service Section. There, he provided legal assistance to foreigners and worked to ensure that foreigners would have greater access to justice. In June of 2017, Kosuke joined Suhyon as an attorney at Hiroo Park Law Firm.
Kosuke holds the distinction of serving as a Chairperson of the Kanto Federation of Bar Associations’ labor project team to protect the rights of foreign nationals. He also serves as a project team member on the Japan Federation of Bar Associations’ Human Rights Protection Committee. He works for the JFBA as an officer at Office of International Affairs. Additionally, he is a member of the Tokyo Bar Association’s Committee on the Protection of Foreigners’ Human Rights. He is also a member of various lawyers’ groups for foreign nationals in Japan, including Lawyers’ Network for Foreigners, Lawyers for Trafficked Victims and Lawyers’ Network for Foreign Trainees.
Kosuke contributed various articles for newspapers including the Japan Times and Nikkei Asian Review. He also wrote an academic paper called “Civil Remedies for Victims of Trafficking in Persons in Japan” for “Research on the Specialty Practice” of Yokohama Bar Association in 2015. He was a contributor for a working paper “Assessing Access to Justice for Thai Migrant Workers in Japan” developed by Justice Without Borders for the Institute of Developing Economies of JETRO. He has been invited to speak at many seminars and panel discussions, including JICA and U.S. Embassy in Tokyo.






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