49 PUMPKINS (2014) - Excerpt
A year after the drop of the A-bomb that burnt down the city to ashes, it is told that mysteriously, alarge amount of pumpkins were harvested in Hiroshima. 49 dummy atomic bombs, as known as “pumpkin bombs,” were dropped on major cities across Japan by the U.S. 509th Composite Group. The 49 locations including Yokohama would have been the next targets if Japan had not surrendered. They are, so to speak, invisible ground zeros for attempted attacks. In the fall 2014, I got an opportunity of residency program in San Antonio, Texas, through which I decided to produce a short film. The plan was to char- ter the North American B-25 Mitchell and actually drop pumpkin bombs. However, the bombs would be 49 real pumpkins. We are told that we must never forget and repeat the horrors of the war. However, how could we repeat or forget what we have never experienced? This is the question that 49 Pumpkins raises, and also my initial impulse.
*This work is originally commissioned by Artpace San Antonio.
49 パンプキンズ (2014) - 抜粋版
パンプキン・ボム、通称「カボチャ爆弾」は、太平洋戦争末期、アメリカ第509混成部隊により日本各地に投下された、49個の模擬原子爆弾のことである。 横浜を含むこれら49の投下地は、日本の降伏がなければ次の標的とグラウンド・ゼロなったであろう、いわば未遂の爆心地である。