Mirrors / Reflections (2002-4)
From the time I was given my grandfather's camera as his memento when I was seventeen or eighteen, I've been photographing all the time. The exercise of photography is, however, never be separated from the feeling of isolation, because that is none other than the act of dividing other people off from me with a cold optical device.
Looking through a finder, you rush to adjust aperture and focus, then release the shutter, and wait for the crucial moment of a blackout with bated breath. This is the split-second darkness that we struggle to secure all desires to. In that way, all quick and acrobatic transition of visages, such as a faint smile or laughter, will be concreted as long-lasting image that we wished to embrace.
I probably had been fascinated by exchanging glances with other people through the camera eye. I loved those amazement, bizarre intimacy and unknown emotions that yet surfaced; even if that virtual relationship disappears at once.
ミラーズ/リフレクションズ (2002-4)